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Hello, I'm Xinzhi Xue

About Me

A researcher working in applied physics.


I am currently a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Washington. I have years of research experience utilizing computational imaging to study fluid mechanics. In particular, I use holographic, tomographic imaging, and machine learning tools to analyze turbulent, interfacial, and biological flows. Examples include jet and spray, complex droplets, cavitation, and cerebral aneurysm flows.


Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
December 2015 - August 2020

M.S. Johns Hopkins University
August 2013 - December 2015

B.E. Harbin Institute of Technology
September 2009 - June 2013

Exchange University of Hong Kong, Purdue University
January 2011 - December 2011


A selection of recent projects.

Gas-assisted atomizer

Computational Imaging of the Flow from Fuel Injection Nozzle

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Volumetric Flow Velocity Measurement

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Buoyant Jet

Experimental Study of an Immiscible Turbulent Buoyant Jet

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Fragmentation of an immiscible jet can be found in many industrial, environmental, and biological applications. However, quantitive data are hard to obtain experimentally in optically opaque flow, especially in the nearfield where dense oil ligaments and droplets exist. Liquid-liquid refractive index matching and simultaneous Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser Induced-Fluorescence (PLIF) are developed to measure interface distributions and turbulent statistics. The result shows the presence of the second phase significantly increases the turbulence level than the single-phase jet. Moreover, the turbulence production in the dispersed phase is drastically different than the continuous phase.

Complex Droplets

Formation of Compound Droplets and Machine Learning in PLIF

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Compound droplets containing multiple water droplets, some with smaller oil droplets, regularly form at jet Reynolds numbers Re>1358. The origin of some of the encapsulated water droplets can be traced back to the entrained water ligaments during the initial roll-up of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices. Machine learning technique was applied to distinguish compound droplets and regular droplets. On average, the interior pockets raise the oil-water interfacial area by 15 %, increasing with the diameter and axial location. Also, while the oil droplets are deformed by the jet’s shear field, the interior interfaces remain nearly spherical, indicating a quiescent micro-environment in the local high shear zone.

Submersible Instrument

Submersible Miniaturized Inline Holographic Camera

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Accurate experimental measurement of droplet size distribution is crucial to predict the dispersion of pollutants in the event of an oil spill. Submersible Miniaturized Inline Holographic Camera (MiniHolocam) was built from scratch and deployed to in situ quantify droplet size distribution of a crude oil jet in crossflow. The instrument can also be applied to study aerosol generation and oil-water interfaces.


Digital Holographic Microscopy for Droplets

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Three-dimensional locations and size distributions of droplets or particles can be obtained by hologram reconstruction, modified Hough transform and parameter space selections.

Towing tank

Jet and Plume in Crossflow

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This study investigates the effects of premixing oil with chemical dispersant at varying concentrations on the flow structure and droplet dynamics within a crude oil jet transitioning into a plume in a crossflow. It is motivated by the need to determine the fate of subsurface oil after a blowout disaster. The flow within the plume consists primarily of a pair of counterrotating quasi-streamwise vortices (CVP) that characterize jets in crossflows. The size of droplets trapped by the CVP is predicted correctly using a trapping function based on a balance of forces on a droplet located within a horizontal eddy. This study is in collaboration with Prof. David Murphy and Dr. Kaushik Sampath.


Cavitation in the Flapper–Nozzle Pilot Stage

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Cavitation in the flapper–nozzle pilot stage is an important source for the noise, performance deterioration, and even failure of electrohydraulic servo-valves. In this study, experimental and numerical investigations of the cavitation phenomenon appearing in the flow field between the flapper and nozzle of an electrohydraulic servo-valve are carried out. As a result, cavitation source locations are confirmed as the nozzle tip and flapper leading edge. This study is supervised by Prof. Songjing Li, and in collaboration with Dr. Nay ZarAung, Dr. Shengzhuo Zhang, and Dr. Junzhang Cao.


Journal Articles
Li, S., Aung, N. Z., Zhang, S., Cao, J., Xue, X. (2013). Experimental and numerical investigation of the cavitation phenomenon in flapper–nozzle pilot stage of an electrohydraulic servo-valve. Computers & Fluids, 88, 590-598.
Murphy, D., Xue, X., Sampath, K., Katz, J. (2016) Crude oil jets in crossflow: effects of dispersant concentration on plume behavior. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121 (6), 4264-4281.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2019) Formation of compound droplets during fragmentation of turbulent buoyant oil jet in water. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 878, 98-112.
Xue, X., Chandrala, L., Katz, J. (2021) Flow structure and turbulence in the near field of an immiscible buoyant oil jet. Physical Review Fluids, 6(2), 024301.
Daskiran, C., Xue, X., Cui, F., Katz, J., Boufadel, M.C. (2021) Large eddy simulation and experiment of shear breakup in liquid-liquid jet: formation of ligaments and droplets. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 89,108810.
Daskiran, C., Xue, X., Cui, F., Katz, J., Boufadel, M.C. (2022) Large eddy simulation and experiment of shear breakup in liquid-liquid jet: formation of ligaments and droplets. International Journal Multiphase Flow, 147, 103921.
Liquid automatic discoloring disguised film device. Issued Feb 2015. CN103105794A
Manual liquid color-change glasses. Issued Oct 2014. CN103048805A
Automatic photochromic glasses with liquids. Issued Jun 2014. CN102998813A
Micro-channel fluid photo-grey glasses. Issued Aug 2013. CN103235420A
Photosensitive fluid photo-grey glasses. Issued Jul 2013. CN103197437A
Selected Presentations
Xue, X. (2022). Experimental observations of liquid atomization: from oil plume to spray control. Rowland Institute at Harvard University, Jan 18, Virtual (Invited).
Xue, X., Orozco, R., Huck, P., Machicoane, N., Fong, K., Aliseda, A. (2021). 4D Characterization of the swirling gas jet flow field in a coaxial two-fluid atomizer. The 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 21-23, Phoenix, AZ.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2020). Measurements of flow structure and turbulence in the nearfield of an oil jet in water. The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020, February 3-7, Tampa, FL.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2019). Formation of compound droplets by turbulent buoyant oil jet and plume. The 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response, June 4-6, Halifax, Canada.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2019). Fragmentation of a turbulent buoyant oil jet in water. The 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 19-24, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2018). Experimental statistics of compound droplets generated by immiscible buoyant oil jet fragmentation in water. The 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 18-20, Atlanta, GA.
Li, C., Murphy, D., Sampath, K., Xue, X., Chandrala, L., AfsharMohajer, N., Nishida, K., Ronzhes, Y., Koehler, K., Sidhaye, R., Katz, J. (2018). Dispersion and health impacts of crude oil spills by physical and chemical processes. The ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting, June 10-15, Victoria, Canada.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2017). Simultaneous PLIF and PIV measurement of a near field turbulent immiscible buoyant oil jet fragmentation in water using liquid-liquid refractive index matching. The 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19-21, Denver, CO.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2017). Index-matched simultaneous laser induced-fluorescence and particle image velocimetry measurement of oil jet fragmentation. The 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, June 19-21, Busan, Korea.
Xue, X., Katz, J. (2016). Experimental study on immiscible jet breakup using refractive index matched oil- water pair. The 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20-22, Portland, OR.
Murphy, D., Xue, X., Katz, J. (2016). Turbulent crude oil plumes in crossflow: Effect of counter-rotating vortex pair structures on oil residence in plume. The 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 22- 27, Firenze, Italy.
Xue, X., Murphy, D., Sampath, K., Katz, J. (2016). Turbulent crude oil plume in crossflow: Effect of vortex structures on oil residence in plume. The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016, February 1-4, Tampa, FL.
Xue, X., Murphy, D., Katz, J. (2015). Turbulent crude oil jets in crossflow: Holographic measurements of droplet size distributions. The 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 22-24, Boston, MA.


As an avid musician, I serve as violinist with the Seattle Philharmonic at Benaroya Hall.

I studied violin performance minor with Prof. Melina Gajger at the Peabody Conservatory.
Past musical experience include class with Stefan Jackiw, Nancy Zhou, performances with Qortex Quartet, Opus Concert Theatre, Hopkins Symphony Orchestra, and Baltimore Symphony Orchestra.

Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl and the Night Visitors
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Waltz from Swan Lake, Op 20. (More)
Robert Schumann Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47 - III - Andante cantabile
Hector Berlioz Symphonie fantastique: Épisode de la vie d'un artiste … en cinq parties

Besides research, I also serve the community by solo and chamber music performing, teaching, and score arrangement.

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